Digester Cleaning

Digester getting sluggish, overloaded, or even inoperable? Contact us for all your digester cleaning needs. We offer various methods to suit your particular needs and scope of work. Every job is different, just as every customer is different. Let us make a difference for you!

Our trained and experienced personnel are deployed with all of the necessary flushing, pumping, venting and safety equipment to quickly and safely remove all organic and inorganic materials that interfere with the operation of the digester.


  • Utilize bobcats and excavators in conjunction with vacuum trucks and water blaster to create slurry and move large mass of material.
  • Using pressurized water they can remove, transport and dispose of residual solids. Remaining material is slurred into a semi-liquid form and easily removed and discharged using pumps that operate at up to 4,500 gpm. Our pumps are capable of pumping thousands of feet.